The Married Lover

By Coventry Patmore


WHY, having won her, do I woo?
         Because her spirit's vestal grace
Provokes me always to pursue,
         But, spirit-like, eludes embrace;
Because her womanhood is such
         That, as on court-days subjects kiss
The Queen's hand, yet so near a touch
         Affirms no mean familiarness;
Nay, rather marks more fair the height
         Which can with safety so neglect
To dread, as lower ladies might,
         That grace could meet with disrespect;
Thus she with happy favour feeds
         Allegiance from a love so high
That thence no false conceit proceeds
         Of difference bridged, or state put by;
Because although in act and word
         As lowly as a wife can be,
Her manners, when they call me lord,
         Remind me 'tis by courtesy;
Not with her least consent of will,
         Which would my proud affection hurt,
But by the noble style that still
         Imputes an unattain'd desert;
Because her gay and lofty brows,
         When all is won which hope can ask,
Reflect a light of hopeless snows
         That bright in virgin ether bask;
Because, though free of the outer court
         I am, this Temple keeps its shrine
Sacred to Heaven; because, in short,
         She 's not and never can be mine.

DayPoems Poem No. 709
<a href="">The Married Lover by Coventry Patmore</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

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