Causeway Bay at Night

By Thobias A. Pereira

21st Century

The full moon up in Cause-way Bay
Highlighting outline of hills around the Bay:
Outshining towers of lights of many hues,
And clearing the veil of eerie darkness of the night.

A magnificent view from "Rosedale on the park:
The full moon giving life to one and all;
The hills look like sentinel,albeit, in slumber state
And the Causeway, dancing to the cool Autumn breeze.

But, her spendor challenged by clouds, thick and dark,
Question her right to change night into brightness!;
Moving from East to West, sheets of darkness
Spread all around, hiding the moon above the Bay.

Night outside my bedroom-window,
The sky above Cause -way Bay,
All bathed in sea of darkness of night,
And scrambling lovers caressing for Lunar -effect.

Mighty clouds are challenged and blown away
By strong, desolate Autumn winds,lands far away,
Towards the sleepy hills to meet their "Waterloo"
And deposit their life-giving loads of morning showers..

The dawn brings the vibrant Hongs out,
With umbrellas, both dainty and colourful:
The China Dolls, doll in their pretty dresses,
Dressed in fashions out of latest fashion houses.

DayPoems Poem No. 2787
<a href="">Causeway Bay at Night by Thobias A. Pereira</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

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