Binaries (for Carla)

By Royce W. Sykes Jr.

21st Century

planets, satellites, asteroids, comets,
the dark matter and dark energy
perhaps most of all, unseen but
most strongly felt for all of that,
the systems we each carry,
what we've been given, what we've
taken on along often lonely way
adjustment not so easy, finding
proper distance and best proximity
so we may not fly away nor collide
in mutual destruction by realigning
our rotations, warping the very
gravity of the universe about us
to orbits yet unstable but growing ever
stronger, moving closer not toward
destructive collision, rather reshaping
our rotations, warping the gravitation
of the very universe around us even
changing while remaining much the same
kicking Kelvin up the scale to melt
the icy layers of isolation, to pierce
the darkness though they remain
different points along the spectrum
as a brighter single light with hue
and magnitude ours and ours alone.

Copyright 2004 Royce W. Sykes Jr. All rights reserved.

DayPoems Poem No. 2786
<a href="">Binaries (for Carla) by Royce W. Sykes Jr.</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

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