Hell Let Loose

By Madan G. Gandhi

21st Century

On a killing spree
dropping death they go around,
unwashable the blood stains
even by an ocean.

Treading on debris
of felled temples and mosques
a whole culture collapsed,
what laurels reap
what crosses win!

What religion enjoins
what prophet ordains
to take away life of innocent,
turn Edens into dark dungeon
where nightmares sizzle and scream,
murder and mayhem dash every dream.

How empty it sounds--
this talk of communal peace,
what wounds heal of childhood orphaned
what consolation to a mother dazed
with dead son in her lap
grief-frozen and struck dumb.

Raging infernally,
combustible cries of 'kill' 'kill'
mouthing venom and revenge
let loose a burning hell.

No hand stretches to save
old and infirm screaming for succour
but thousands rise up to blow to pieces
whatever is left of the House of God.

Unbearable stench of dead bodies
scares even the hovering vultures,
on the run are surviving hopes
hurrying to black holes.

Among the rubble are countless stars
that once twinkled and cheered
now in blind stare mock and shock.

In their speechless eyes
I see my murderer's face,
the barbarity of a whole generation
maddened and ran amuck.

Throat choked, voice lost,
sight blurred by gory deed,
I feel poison enter my being--
rises up in my fevered brain
accumulated guilt of all my sins.

Too long in this killing trade
thirsting for blood of my brethren
in name of parochial darkness of religion,
too long a scroll of my crimes and sins,
punishment for each one
eternal damnation.

Doomsday knock freezes my blood
as scorpions hissing poison fly past me,
my whole cerebral mechanism,
unable to bear the load, breaks down.
I suffer brain hemorrhage,
pass into a coma-like state.

God's minions will not let me die,
in an instant they revive,
scrutinize my every deed,
dumb founded I plead guilty
before the invisible jury.

O Lord! When shall I be free
from this oppressive night,
when shall I see another dawn,
hear songs of happy cheer,
freed from hate and fretting fear.

DayPoems Poem No. 2777
<a href="http://www.daypoems.net/poems/2777.html">Hell Let Loose by Madan G. Gandhi</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection, www.daypoems.net
Timothy Bovee, editor

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