Bonnie George Campbell

By Anonymous

18th Century

Child Ballad 210

Hie upon the Highlands, and laigh upon the Tay,
Bonnie George Campbell rode, out on a day.
He saddled, he bridled, and gallant rode he,
And hame came his guid horse, but never cam he.
Out cam his mother, dear, greeting fu sair,
And out cam his bonnie bryde, riving her hair.
"The meadow lies green the corn is unshorn
But bonnie George Campbell will never return.
Saddled and bridled and booted rode he,
A plume in his helment, a sword at his knee.
but toom cam his saddle, all bloody to see
Oh, hame cam his guid horse, but never cam he.

DayPoems Poem No. 2500
<a href="">Bonnie George Campbell by Anonymous</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

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