A Chance For Iraq

By Paul McCann

21st Century

As another explosion shook Baghdad a plea cried out
from the rescue workers there.
It fell on an international journalist
who held his camera up in the air.
Then its lens moved along the streets
where people waited and prayed hard in the rain.
The breath of life rested a while,
then made it's way to those who's trust was hard to gain.
Looting had started in Baghdad and blame hide from their faces
for all the world to see.
People leapt up into the air
and hope flew all the way back to the powers that be.
All of these people for a moment held their freedom,
and it was the first for a while.
Journalists lit candles,
Soldiers kept a tight upper lip,
and someone saved a smile,
As statues fell to the ground
The people of Iraq frantically waved a palm branch.
Someone from the crowd in a soft breath whispered these words,
"At last Iraq has chance "

DayPoems Poem No. 2458
<a href="http://www.daypoems.net/poems/2458.html">A Chance For Iraq by Paul McCann</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection, www.daypoems.net
Timothy Bovee, editor

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