Back to Bockagh Hill

By William Brendan McPhillips

21st Century

The car has changed the way I see it all,
The hill the legs were eager to explore
Needs only gears to shift to make it small.
As quick, as slow it was so long before,
I felt it lift the fear that I had dreamed
Its beauty out of wanting it to be
When long ago I frowned and fretted, schemed
Against some anger welling up in me.

But there it was, its beauty more than I
Had ever dreamed, imagined, tried to put
In words and phrases, even now would try
And tell the child of Kosovo the foot
And heart remember, when the grieving dries
The well of tears and anger, beauty sighs.

DayPoems Poem No. 2447
<a href="">Back to Bockagh Hill by William Brendan McPhillips</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

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