Requiem For Alfie Kelly

By William Brendan McPhillips

21st Century

Let stand in the doorway, the mornings,
I waited for Alfie to pass
And over I'd go to beside him
And together we moved like the grass.

And he knew that I knew I was growing
And he knew that I knew he was not;
But questions are always for asking
And answers, "Thank God!", for the lot.

His was the age of my father;
And they'd taken an oath on the gun
And the 'Tans, so efficient in terror,
Found Alfie could fight and could run.

And later he told me, in stories,
That war against England was fun;
When I saw him the day in his coffin,
The growing had only begun.

DayPoems Poem No. 2442
<a href="">Requiem For Alfie Kelly by William Brendan McPhillips</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

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