My Missing Yawn

By Izzy A. Tripper

21st Century

Last night when I went to bed,
I'm quite sure I had a yawn,
But in the morning when I woke up
I found that it was gone.
That pesky critter just disappeared
it vanished out of sight,
It must have crawled right out my window and rode off in the night.
But I will find it - yes I will...wherever it may be,
For I'm the hardest trying finder
On the land and on the sea.

Perhaps that yawn is hiding out
Way up on the moon.
It might just be, so I suggest
we go there very soon.
Climb aboard my rocket ship,
We'll blast off into space...
I now believe the moon
is the very most likely place!

But I can't find it - it's not here...I'm going back to the Earth.
I'll make a sign - "BIG REWARD" - but, how much is it worth?
A million, billion, zillion dollars...but I have only five.


small reward
bring 'em back alive!

Or perhaps that yawn is in that nest way up in that tree,
Eating worms with little birdies - let's climb up there and see.
"Have you seen my yawn up here? I miss it quite a lot..."
"We little birdies don't talk to strangers - this is what we're taught."

I asked the cough, and the hiccup,
I even asked the snore.
But they could not help me find
what I was looking for.

I thought that I would ask my teacher
So I went down to my school.
"Yawns are not allowed in class,
you know that that's a rule!"

I climbed atop a candy pole,
Where I met a flying moose.
He said that he would ask his friends
Who worked for Dr. Seuss.
"The creatures aren't allowed to help,
They said, "Absolutely no!"
(Contractual obligations,
And legal stuff, you know.)

Creature Contract

Whereas all creatures hereby acknowledge,
That if any missing yawns are sought,
They'd be in really deep Seuss trouble,
So they'd surely better not!

I rode my time machine into the future,
And then into the past.
I searched all time in one split second,
I wanted to find it fast!

Cold and tired, and very hungry,
I was feeling really beat,
The only place I had not looked,
Was directly under my feet.
But I will never give up trying,
This mystery must be solved.
Time to call the big brains in,
I'll get my dad involved!

"So you say your yawn is missing,
Well, Sparky, don't you fret.
As an expert at these things,
I'd search the internet.
Just ask the question that you want,
By punching at the keys-
Then pray a little prayer to God,
And remember to say please.

With a shake and a shudder, and a puff of smoke,
And a thunderous thinkin' sound,
That new fangled thinkin'machine said,
"Your yawn will soon be found."

That's it, I'm going to bed,
I've searched enough today.
I'll go to sleep and have a dream,
Of some new yawn finding way.

Drearily, I crawl into bed,
So tired that I...yaaaawn...

Oh my... silly me...
It's been here all along!

DayPoems Poem No. 2428
<a href="">My Missing Yawn by Izzy A. Tripper</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

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