This Place Called Home

By Peter E Adotey Addo

21st Century

Sometimes my memory corrodes my mind
But there are parts I know it cannot change.
Sometimes I may deny past the hour of dawn.
Perhaps these are just partial images passing through.
Where I once lived someone lives there now
To keep fragments of my childhood place.
So soon so little will be left and I shall be alone.
Wondering if it had ever been this place this life
The memory makes it difficult to forget.
But like a pail of salt water left in the sun
It evaporates and melts away
Only to leave a white powder
That tastes foul to the tongue.

DayPoems Poem No. 2426
<a href="">This Place Called Home by Peter E Adotey Addo</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

Poets  Poems