...brogues...and definitely not a trumpet...
21st Century
the heron in the stream
when would it have flown
if not for that sound
of a shoe breaking a stick
who's shoe
the shoe of the man with the bugle
which shoe
the left one
the right shoe in his left hand
the bugle around his neck with string
hanging down the back of his coat
was it his bugle
i think so
his lips looked hard
if not for the shoe
prayers of small fish
would have made the heron fly
is there any truth in that
DayPoems Poem No. 2342
<a href="http://www.daypoems.net/poems/2342.html">...brogues...and definitely not a trumpet... by Richard Zola</a>
The DayPoems Poetry Collection, www.daypoems.net
Timothy Bovee, editor
Poets Poems