A knock on the door?

By Zaynab Armstrong-Jones

21st Century

Did you hear a knock on the door?
I thought I did, so I went to the door to see, and there, I saw nothing but a swinging door playing games,
I wondered why the door was swinging but I saw nothing at all.

So I came closer to the door,
but suddenly the door shut itself in a big bang,
and so I coined the theory of the big bang illusion,
but not to worry, as I got closer to the door, I realised that the door was swinging, because the breeze of the winds blew it slowly and gently,
something so invisible to the naked eyes.

DayPoems Poem No. 2324
<a href="http://www.daypoems.net/poems/2324.html">A knock on the door? by Zaynab Armstrong-Jones</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection, www.daypoems.net
Timothy Bovee, editor

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