Dream to Dream
21st Century
Dream to dream
and wake up with nothing.
Love to love
and not feel anything.
Live to live
and just want to die.
You played the game,
you lay down and cry.
Heart to heart
your soul has been broken,
you pay the fee
and you are the token.
Your need the pimp
and you its whore.
Now on your back,
just dirt on the floor.
Others run you
and you obey.
They shape your life,
you're nothing but clay.
You have no input
is what they claim.
It is always you
that they always blame.
Your fist in your hair
and you cry in rage.
They won't leave you alone,
you try to turn the page.
You have lost the battle,
fought an endless hope.
Go ahead and face it,
you just have to cope.
Making people happy
is what you do best.
They abuse it too much
and put you through their tests.
Your misery is their happiness.
and not even once,
did they feel a bit gracious.
You are alone
and sadness your friend.
Don't know what to do,
feels like no end.
So many around you
but so little care.
They have burnt it out,
that little flare.
You amount to nothing
in this thing called living.
They make you believe
and you keep on giving.
You dream to dream
to only wake in nightmares.
You let go of everything
to handle their domestic affairs.
You realize that
no one even cares
You just realized,
that you had not noticed,
your soul was too bare.
DayPoems Poem No. 2318
<a href="http://www.daypoems.net/poems/2318.html">Dream to Dream by Joel R. Marshall</a>
The DayPoems Poetry Collection, www.daypoems.net
Timothy Bovee, editor
Poets Poems