
By Bob Childs

21st Century

His face froze
Wide eyed like a
Thief caught in a spotlight

Her scream took hold of her hands and
Locked them to the wheel
Welded her feet to the brake as
She laid rubber over him

"Knocked him clear into next week!"
The old men will say
Chatting on a bench outside the

Twenty degrees that night but
He lay in a hot bath
His breath escaping into clouds
He slips into a dream

She never took her hands off of the wheel
She never closed her eyes
Not even as red light cut the sky
Not even as zipper crossed his brow
Not even now as she lay in her bed
Remembering that night
Nearly twenty years ago.

DayPoems Poem No. 2266
<a href="">Pedestrian by Bob Childs</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

Poets  Poems