The Fern, the Woods and I

By William Brendan McPhillips

21st Century

I met a fern, today, an ancient plant,
Its green, intensely, focusing the eye,
And thought it so much older, yet I can't
Ignore the actuality that I
Am no less ancient in my trail of genes,
And need to keep reminding me, we are,
The fern and I, together in our teens
Until we add the age of Earth, and star,
To us, and know beyond this star, the Sun,
Its lineage, a heritage we share
The fern and I, the woods and Earth; each one
Of us go back a ways, and need to care;
Sometimes mortality among us crimps
The look we give ourselves, and courage wimps.

DayPoems Poem No. 2259
<a href="">The Fern, the Woods and I by William Brendan McPhillips</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

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