Sky Heart
21st Century
Songs that score the edge of the sky heart
Wake thunder in the God who climbs unseen
To spoil the city's slumber.
War rolls from a felt tumbler,
Horns and bones rattle in the craft
Of a child whose ancient eyes float
Above the steam of a black charger
Threading a path through trees
Of green frozen buffalo and march hare.
Carry the fury to the sea,
Child of a thousand oceans.
Carry the laws of God and man
To the great mother dissolver,
Who weeps into the sky
With atomic tears small
As the unborn heartbeat.
Little claw, unclench your talons
And fly with ghost fueled blessings
At the wall of wailing,
At the skeleton of Orpheus.
Sing the destroying psalm
Your mother set beside you.
Sustain in everlasting hour,
The blood choked clock,
sundered by hail,
Until it prays itself alive inside you.
DayPoems Poem No. 1683
<a href="">Sky Heart by Patrick Boyd</a>
The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor
Poets Poems