
By Jennifer Concetta

21st Century

I am perception gone unperseved,
I am knowleadge not yet known,
I am the light that shines above the see,
I am the darkness that comes when the light has gone,
I am a distence travled to the far end of the ocean,
I am a moment passed through time when you breathe,
I am the cloud that desends it's devotion,
I am chaus that can not leave,
I am the time that gose unseen,
I am air and water combine,
I am energy that allows you to dream,
I am heartach where there is no common line,
I am a moment that strolls over top of anouther,
I am wonderment and enlightenment the same,
I am jealousy inspired by a forgotten lover,
I am words that echo no blaim,
I am a woken dream when you are asleep,
I am sheer silk on the tip of your gloom,
I am the end of the day that you never keep,
I am surrounded with the veiw in the wax of the moon,
I am here even when you believe me gone,
I am alive with the rise of each new day,
I am an eternity for all in tribune,
And I am always with you when you turn away.

DayPoems Poem No. 1682
<a href="http://www.daypoems.net/poems/1682.html">Equlips by Jennifer Concetta</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection, www.daypoems.net
Timothy Bovee, editor

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