The Idol-Maker prays

By Arthur Guiterman


Great god whom I shall carve from this gray stone
         Wherein thou liest, hid to all but me,
Grant thou that when my art hath made thee known
         And others bow, I shall not worship thee.
But, as I pray thee now, then let me pray
         Some greater god, -- like thee to be conceived
Within my soul, -- for strength to turn away
         From his new altar, when, that task achieved,
He, too, stands manifest. Yea, let me yearn
         From dream to grander dream! Let me not rest
Content at any goal! Still bid me spurn
         Each transient triumph on the Eternal Quest,
Abjuring godlings whom my hand hath made
For Deity, revealed, but unportrayed!

DayPoems Poem No. 1343
<a href="">The Idol-Maker prays by Arthur Guiterman</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

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