Three Birds (3rd Draft)

By TomsPoems

21st Century

The ocean slathers foam across the shore
as salt stained driftwood jostles into piles
white gulls, with sideward glances, journey north
finding haven, on warm breaths of spring.
In mountain crags, eagles' claws find a brace
ravin bent, attending fields rife with spoils
they thunder down, with pious savage rage
drinking blood, the sacrifice still warm.
From city's crannies, bobbing pigeons beg
donating feathers, to the urban mire
subsist on peanuts, wayward vagabonds
gray oil-slicked rainbows, lackluster peacocks.

DayPoems Poem No. 1283
<a href="">Three Birds (3rd Draft) by TomsPoems</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

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